As a rule, there is no general right of return. However, we offer you a 14-day right of exchange. Items can be sent back within 14 days after receipt of delivery and the money will be reimbursed to you in the form of a product voucher. However, the return must be coordinated in advance, and recall requires written approval from us. The product must be complete, undamaged, unused and in its original packaging. Products which are used, assembled or not in their original packaging are excluded from the right of exchange.
Please do not send any items back to us without prior arrangement. We request you to place the delivery slip or your order number in the package. In case of concerns, please send us an e-mail beforehand to or contact us via our service hotline. In order to guarantee a smooth process, we kindly request you include a short letter specifying the reasons for the return and to send this along with the order in its original packaging to our warehouse partner TFS TUNED FOR SPORTS AG, Ringstrasse 9, 9500 Wil.
You can reach our service hotline at +41 71 620 00 25